hamburger-2683042_1920The low fat mentality has been with us for decades, and it has not brought relief from disease. Why? Because people confuse dietary fat with the adipose tissue which makes us look rather rotund.

It is true that dietary fat is high in calories, but we don’t have to gorge on it. It is an extremely important component to human health, and should make up around 25 to 30 percent of our caloric intake. It helps with the absorption of several fat soluble vitamins and has heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Artery-clogging saturated fats, trans fats and rancid fats on the other hand should be mostly avoided, as they lead to a host of health problems.

The marketing of scores of low-fat or fat-free versions since the 80′s have replaced the missing fat with sugar or starch. So technically there will be less fat, but not necessarily less calories. Consumers were tricked into thinking these products were better for them and ate more, which was one of the factors in our current obesity epidemic.

According to all top studies, healthy fats are contained in avocado, nuts, fish, olive and coconut oils. Since then, recommendations for healthy unsaturated fats have been made to increase the allowance of good dietary fats while decreasing the allowance of saturated and trans fats.

Instead of cookies, breakfast cereals, and snack chips, eat the more healthy varieties of fats listed above. Don’t believe labels because marketers will try to get away with anything they can. Taking out a trans fat from a bag of cookies just makes that bag not quite as toxic to us!