soup-570922_1920Even if you’re not the best cook, there is a great way to make a quick, healthy soup for weight loss. Simply take your blender and add some basic ingredients to get started:

**beef or chicken stock

**any vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, squash, carrots, zucchini, asparagus etc. or mixed varieties)

**beans (any type)

**water (to desired consistency)

**small amount of cream or sour cream

**spices to taste (dill, cilantro, oregano, basil, sea salt, pepper, etc.)

Now blend all ingredients together and then put them into a pot to heat under low heat for a 15 minute soup.

The reason this works is on multiple levels. It’s quick, low calorie, full of nutrients, tons of fibre and the little bit of cream helps to give a fuller feeling as it digests longer.

Another trick is to incorporate at least one meal a day as soup. Here’s why – a bowl full is about 200-300 calories, which is roughly 300 calories less than the average meal. That creates a 300 calorie deficit that day. With 7 days a week that makes for a 2100 calorie deficit and one month an 8400 calorie deficit. The only way I advocate low calorie is when lots of fibre and nutrients are involved. Soup has the right mix of everything you need to stay healthy.

This soup has all of the vitamins, minerals and active enzymes from fresh, whole foods. It is nutritionally superior to any canned and processed soup you’d buy at the supermarket and you’ll avoid all of the preservatives, added sodium and other additives in canned soup.