Three60Fitness & Nutrition Blog

In-Depth Fitness & Health Topics – No Confusion

Author Bio

fruit-419623_1280My name is Jorg Mardian and I am a Personal Fitness TrainerRegistered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), Natural Nutritional Clinical Practitioner (NNCP) and Registered Nutritional Therapist  (RNT) with 15 years of experience.

I’ve found over the years that much of the health information available today is not only unhelpful, but conflicting, making it confusing for people to access the information they need.

Real health is not about a fad diet or an extreme way of eating. Real health is eating real foods, leaving out hyper-processed junk. Unfortunately, in today’s time of radical agricultural mismanagement, we cannot even rely solely on the foods we eat to supply us with vital nutrients anymore. So supplementation is a necessary option to make up the difference.  

If you’ve been confused in the past, this blog will give you the straight up information you seek. It is the culmination of many years working with clients, helping with fitness, weight loss and serious health conditions. It hasn’t always been an easy journey but what I’ve learned is what you’re reading here – no fluff – only what works.